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المدينة: kerala/ idukki
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العمر: 36

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سجل زواري (18) وقع في سجل زواري

9 سنة

Days are too busy...

Hours are too fast..

Seconds are too few...

But there is always time
for me to remember a sweet friend.. like YOU..!


">http://s7.favim.com/flow/150630/acean-aesthetic-aesthetics-art-Favim.com-2875057.jpg" border="0"/>

">http://s9.favim.com/610/130822/drug-love-perfection-queen-Favim.com-868579.jpg" border="0"/>

9 سنة

Birth is start of life,

Beauty is art of life,

Love is part of life,

Death is last of life,

But FRIENDSHIP is heart of life..!

">http://s9.favim.com/orig/140131/boy-car-couple-cuddle-Favim.com-1322192.jpg" border="0"/>

9 سنة

Birth is start of life,

Beauty is art of life, Love is part of life,

Death is last of life,

But FRIENDSHIP is heart of life...!

9 سنة

Its human tendency to run behind people whom we love and
neglect the ones who love us..

bcoz We r sure we’ll never loss them ….

strange bt very true…

..Good evening..

">http://www.imgion.com/images/02/Good-evening-friends.jpg" border="0"/>

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