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13 years ago
13 years ago
•.¸¸.•Everyone should have•.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.•
•.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.•a friend like
you•.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.• •.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.•You
are so much fun to be with•.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.•
•.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.•And you are such a good
person•.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.•
•.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.•You crack me up with
laughter•.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.•
•.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.•And touch my heart with
your kindness•.¸¸.•? ´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.•
•.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.•You have a wonderful
ability•.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.•
•.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.•To know when to offer
advice•.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.•
•.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.•And when to sit in quiet
support•.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.•
•.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.•Time after
time•.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.• •.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸
•.¸¸.•You’ve come to my
rescue•.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.•
•.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.•And brightened so
many•.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.• •.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.•Of my
routine days•.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.•
•.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.•And time after
time•.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.• •.¸¸.•?´¨`?•.¸ •.¸¸.•
I’ve realized how fortunate
am i•.¸¸.•?
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
سألت الحكيم:‏ الحب اقوى ام الصداقه؟ فقال لي ‏‏(قد يجف نهر الحب ‏‏) ويبقى مجراه لكن ‏‏(يبقى الصديق باحلى ذكراااااااه‏) ا
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
Once upon a time there was a boastful miller. One day, he told the king that his daughter was so clever that she could spin gold out of straw. ''I must meet this remarkable girl,'' said the king. ''Bring her to the palace at once.'' The Best Plays by Shakespeare's Coriolanus I n the early years of the Roman Requblic, the city was ruled by a council called the Senate. Its members were called senators, and each year two of them were chosen to be consuls. These were the highest officers of the State. The senators and the consuls were aristocrats. They all came from the oldest, riches, most respectable families in the city-the patricians. Beautiful Love Romance..
13 years ago
عندما اتسبب ب ‏‏"مشاكل‏" معك ليس لانني ‏‏(اهوى المشاكل‏) بل من اجل ان تشعر:ان هناك شخصا في هده الحياه بمجرد ان تبتعد عنه قليلا ‏‏_‏‏_‏‏_‏‏_‏‏> ‏‏{يشعر بألم كبير‏} ‏
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
Stars has 5 ends.
Squre has 4 ends.
Triangle has 3 ends.
Line has a ends.
Bt circle of our frdship no ends... hi frd. how r u...??? hope u fine... t.c nd hav a nice tym....
13 years ago
I got your back you got mine,
I'll help you out anytime.
To see you hurt to see you cry,
Makes me weep and wanna die.
And if you agree to never fight,
Woudn't matter who's wrong or right.
If a broken heart needs a mend,
I'll be there, right to the end.
If your cheeks are wet from drops of tears,
Don't worry, let go of your fears.
Hand in hand love is sent,
We'll be friends Till The End!
Happy DaY...!!!

. . . .
13 years ago
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