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13 years ago
'TreAT everyoNE wiTH politeneSS, EvEN thoSE wHO aRE ruDE tO yOU, NoT becauSE thEY aRE nOT niCE, BuT bcOZ YOu aRE niCE...' thaNX..4 alwayw'S remembER mE
13 years ago
'EvEryOnE wANts tO bE tHe sUn tHAt LiGhTs uP yOUr LiFe. But I hAd raTHer bE yOUr mÖÖn, sO I cAn sHiNe oN yOu dUriNg yOUr dArKeSt hoUr.. wHEn yOUr sUn iS nOT aRouNd..' chEEr mY fRiENd. itS uR dAy.. wiShiNg tErRific tuEsdAy.. :**_::_**:::**_:**_: tHaNx 4 rEpLyiNg deAr freN
13 years ago
WeN U r loNeLy.. m sAd... WeN U r hApPy... m gLaD.... RemEbEr dAt wAt eVEr U feeL..... i feeL iT tWicE..... So.. mY friEnd.. if U misS mE oNcE.. I MisS U tWicE..............GuT EvEniNg mY friEnD..hAvE loVeLy timE :..¥..::..¥..::.¥.::.¥.:
13 years ago
Same to thanks
13 years ago
good morning my frend
13 years ago
* friendly better than love,,,silent better than talk,,,smile better than lunch,,,But...Noting better than (true friend) who give,given & pure in friendshif. *
13 years ago
13 years ago
'It doESn't mAttEr WhAt LifE bRinGs oUr wAy.. Now,i’LL aLwAyS rEmEmbEr... How yOu wErE thErE foR mE.. PoUriNg rAiN,frEEziNg snOw Or bLaZiNg sUn... Two friEnds aLwAyS kNoW The love and bOnD wE feLt.. ThAt wiLL nEvEr fAdE aWAy... SomEtimEs it’S hArD kNowiNg I cAn’t sEE yOuR EyEs.. AnD yOu cAn’t hEaR mY vOicE... EvEn tHouGh i kNoW riGhT WhErE yOu arE.. BUt mY DeaR friEnD... ThE LovE wE hAd StiLL rEmaiN thE sAmE.. AnD tHAt wiLL nEvEr diE...' sWeEt niT 2 u mY frN
13 years ago
DrEamS viSit uS whEn wE aRe aSleEp. But GOD iS tRULy wiSe. He waKes uS uP eAcH dAy aNd giVeS uS evEry cHaNcE tO mAKe oUr dREAMs cOmE tRuE. So dREMm tOnigHt…You wiLL hAvE tO tRuE iT toMoRrOw... Goodnight...
13 years ago
'An eLdErlLy genTlEmAn wEnt tO sEe hiS dÖcToR aNd aSkEd foR a pResCriPtiOn of ViAgrA. ThE dÖctÖr sAiD, "ThAt's nÖ prÖblEm. How maNy dÖ yÖu wAnT ?" ThE mAn aNswErEd, "JUsT a feW, mAybE 4, bUt cUt eAch oNe iN 4 piEcEs." ThE dÖctÖr sAid, "ThAt wÖn't dÖ yÖu aNy gÖoD." ThE eLderLy gEntLEmAn sAid, "That's aLrighT. I dÖn't nEEd thEm foR sÈx aNymÖrE aS I aM ovEr 90 yEaRs oLd. I juSt wAnT iT tÖ sTiCk oÙt faR eNouGh sÖ I dÖn't pÈe oN mY sHoEs." may be the shoes wERe very vaLuAbLe: fÖrGivE mE... itS nÖt 4 yÖu..if yOu aRe a kiD oR if yÖu aRe biG kiD.. THEN yoU aLrEaDy gRoWn uP... Coz..yOu rEaD iT if yOu aRe aDuLt.. givE mE bAcK uR sMilE swEEt drEAmS..swEEt friEnd miss yo..
13 years ago
'TherE iS nO timE, No timE tO sparE, ThesE arE thE momentS, In whicH wE sharE, TherE iS nO timE, ForgeT thE pasT, FoR nothinG iS foreveR, ThiS wilL noT lasT, TherE iS nO timE, ThE enD iS neaR, LovE eacH momenT, LivE nOt iN feaR…'havE a feaRlesS smilinG dAy :
13 years ago
Hi Rahul u hv nic day..? You happy...
13 years ago
'I nO loNgEr hAvE thE feAr of bEiNg aLonE. It’S cOoL tO finD oUt tHaT yOu don’T nEEd a cOoL fRieNd tO bE hAPPy' i mEAn diStuRbiNg friEnD likE mE..lOOk n uR wAlL..i wAs duMPed mANy usELEss wOrDs hErE..i wAnT tO cReAt uR wAlL aLmOsT oLd nEwS pApEr cOz i miSSed yOu frIEnd">http://www.allgraphics123.com/ag/01/5938/5938.JPG" border="0"/> gOoD nigHt..sWeeT slEeP
13 years ago
hAvE tErRifiC tUeSdAy ">http://www.commentsyard.com/graphics/quotes/quotes90.jpg" border="0"/> tHaNx tO reMembEriNg me what happened friend..?
13 years ago
hi rahul good morning.. You have nic day...*
13 years ago
13 years ago
'Hi! How's yOu? ThE FiRst quEstiOn I aSkEd yOu.. I dOn’T kNoW yOu.. BuT hErE I am tAlkiNg to yOu... I kEEp thROWiNg qUEStiOn.. tRyiNg tO gEt to knOw yOu.. And yOu anSwErEd bACk.. sEEMs likE,YoU likE tO gEt tO kNoW mE tOo... DAy by dAy oUr cOnvErsAtiOn sTaRtiNg to grEw.. AnD aLL thiS sTaRteD oN a siMplE quEstiOn.. hi! how's yOu? DayS pAsT by aNd I rEaLizEd I’m nOt tAlkiNg tO a strAngEr no morE... I’m tAlkiNg to a peRsoN thAt i caLL a 'tRuE FRIEND'!...i'm tHaNkfuL to yOu foR uR hiGHLy tUNEs fRiEnDsHip
13 years ago
A boy was teaching a girl arithmetic, he said it was his mission. He kissed her once; he kissed her twice and said, “Now that’s addition.” In silent satisfaction, she sweetly gave the kisses back and said, “Now that’s subtraction.” Then he kissed her, she kissed him, without an explanation. And both together smiled and said, “That’s multiplication.” Then her Dad appeared upon the scene and made a quick decision. He kicked that boy three blocks away and said, “That’s long division!” math is hard when you caught have a laughing(loudly) and smiling(silently) weekend sweet night..sleep tight
13 years ago
Zindgi ne zindgi bhar gam deye , jitne bhi musum deye sub nam deye , ik mukamul kashmkush hai zindgi ,isne humse ki kabhi na dosti, jab mile mujko kanto ke woh tohfe de gaye, has sake hum ase muake kum deye, zindgi ne zindgi bhar gam deye....!
13 years ago
Your wc my friend ! God bless you ! Have a nice day !
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