Dear princess..

u told dat u dnt care if hez my brthr or nt.. Y? In ur city brthr marries their sister? Or they fall in luv wid each othr??
Im agreeing wid sum of ur openions, lyk, galz vst othr gls prfile if dat gl is cls wid her boy.
Bt v cant say dat its 100% right. Itz nly 1 possiblity. Itz may bcz of another reasons too. In case of me, actually first i visited ur profile bcz of curiosity. ur 1 id (teddybear) is in my frnd list. N jeyen told me dat dis teddy n valentine r same person n u hv a lot of ids in os. N also i visit ur othr ids bcz all ur ids r very interesting. Themes, background picz.... N nt bcz of jelous
N im apologising if any of my actions hurt u. One mor thing, im already committed..
Sanu.. my