Life's not about expecting, hoping and wishing, It's about doing, being and becoming. It's about the choices you've just made, and the ones you're about to make, It's about the things you choose to say - today. . It's about what you're gonna do after you finish reading this. . . . Good day ahead! . . . Take care God bless
Why do we need Close Frenz? . 4 those honest opinions.. . -2 pick us frm Railway Station @ 2am.. . -2 kick u at midnight on ur B’day.. . -2 mak fun of our new outfits.. . -2 get latest prints of movies.. . -2 call @3am just to say gn.. . -4 d endless treats.. . -2 irritate us wid missed calls wen v r sleeping.. . -Sending lot of msgs though U DONT REPLY.. . -Or maybe just 4 .
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